You have many trouble before exam. If you have some reports, it may terrible.Your given time did not seem enough, skip meal and stay up all through the night.
We are anxious about your health.
So we wish to reduce your stress before exams.Some people have coffee instead of meal, that's not good for your health.You be going to know vitamin C is good of fatigue recovery, So we introduce vitamin B3 and B5, B12.
Common sense!
Many people have known that the chocolate reduce their stress. But it's a false. That effection is immediately but temporary.
Excessive consumption of chocolate rather reduce resistance for stress. And alcoholic drink, caffeine, cigarette is too.
bad: alcoholic drink, coffee, chocolate, soda like coke, wheat flour food, the food contain a high percentage of natrium, snacks and so on. good: fresh fruit and vegetable, green tea, clear water, fish, low fat meet, miscellaneous cereals, jujube tea, oatmeal.
If you don't have enough time to sleep? The best plan is a deep sleep, but that's not easy within a preparation period of exam.So, we advise two ways instead of sleep.
It may turn out to temporary, but it makes you refresh and don't feel tired anymore.
Music and aroma.
Of course if you have favorite genre of music for example, classic, pop, ballade, rock, hip-hop and it make you relax, that's good. But
how about listen to the music that make you comfortably by awake your subconsciousness.Calm and comfortable musical song is not only reduce stress but also improve your power of concentration. So best thing.
Have you ever heard aroma-therapy? It's a nature remedy for healthy, protect the disease, beauty that use essential oil of flavored-plants like herb.
In break time, how about have a tea time with your friends? We suggest that green tea and mint tea.
Way to go! You will meet with good results.
Member : Iris(Seul-ki Bae, 2008261046), Jinny(Min-jin Yu, 2008261081), John(Jong-woe Jang, 2004261130), Sam(Chang-hoon Chae, 2005261001),
Silvia(Ji-yoon Kang, 2008261078. She's name may removed in the attendance book. But she was a member of team.)
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