
A Shopping mall near MJC

When you want to buy something, where is the best place near MJC (Myong-Ji College)?
We recommend E-mart in Eun-Pyeong.

Let's give you some information of E-mart in Eun-Pyeong.

(Candy(Charlie) come to Korea from Italy to meet Carson and Brady.)
Carson and Brady : Hi, Candy. Long time no see!
Candy : Hello. It's been ages! What have you been up to?

(Candy's clothes is unsatisfactory to Carson and Brady.)
Brady : What's this? You look like a boy!!!
Candy : Why? What's wrong with this?
Brady : ..... Oh my God....

Brady : Follow me! I know a shopping mall that is near this college.
Candy : Really? Sounds goooood!!! Let's go!
(They decide to leave now!)

Info1. How can you get there?
There are many ways to go to E-mart. If you have your car, you can go there through driving your car. Because there is parking lot beneath E-mart, you don't need to seek elsewhere for parking. If you haven't your car, it doesn't matter. Here is a way to get E-mart through taking a bus. First, take bus no.7017 at MJC station, and get off the bus at Eung-Am five-way crossing station. Then, take bus no.7613 and get off the bus at the west police station back door. Finally, you can find E-mart at the bus station.

Carson : I think that the bus 7017 is probably the quickest and cheapest way to go to E-mart.
Candy : Wow! Really? It's very convenient!
(They arrived at the MJC bus station to take the bus 7017. This is the best way to go to E-mart as public transportation.)

Carson : Here is the west police station back door. We have to walk 2~3 minutes.
Candy : Here is so near from MJC.
(They arrive in ten minutes by bus.)

(They touched success to find E-mart)

Info2. What can you buy in E-mart?
There are many products in E-mart. These reasons sometimes it make you feel confused. However, you don't need to mind it. Here is some information about floor and kind of products.

B1 : vegetables, seafoods, frozen foods
F1 : processed foods, crackers, liquor
F2 : seasoning, canned food, disposable products
F3 : cosmetics, accessories, shoes, clothes
F4 : clothes

F5 : furniture
F6 : electronic machines
F7 : sports equipments, auto
F8 : tenants, restaurants

Brady : What do you think of these clothes? They really fit to you.
Candy : Really? This is wonderful!! I love every clothes, and I am pleased with this one-piece in particular.
(Candy is very fussy about picky clothes. They go on a shopping spree for three hours!!! Finally, she has found a dress that pleases her.)

If you are a old or child or pregnant woman or person with heart trouble, absolutely don't see it!!!

Candy : Look here! How do I look?
So sexy?
(The sexy Candy rang his bell.)

Service Cut
Happy Candy!!!


thomas said...


Aaron said...

Candy is Sexy !! :D kkkkk

Anonymous said...

WoW~ How cute: )
Last picture is amazing kkkkkkk

jisu said...
