
Important places on campus

Dong-A-ri (clubs)

It's a group for making friends and sharing the same hobby.
Joining clubs (Dong-A-ri) provides the means to develop wide personal relationships.
And also this will improve oneself by a take part in extracurricular activities.
The clubs (Dong-A-ri) are also meaningful for students that they can learn a new culture and various aspects relating to the campus which are not found in curriculum.
There are 2 clubs for volunteer community service, 15 study clubs, 4 sports clubs, and 3 religious clubs.
There are two types, being a useful experience for you and not. So just choose the club in which you prefer hobby.

Job cafe
The job cafe is located in the social education building 1st floor which is newly built recently.
There is a possibility of getting information from the job cafe about getting a job.
You can take an aptitude test with help of Professor. With the result of aptitude test with character you can get advice about employment.
We can talk with your friends in the job cafe. Moreover, we can watch TV, use the computer.

Multimedia room
The multimedia room is located in main building 1st floor, and that place is equipped with 50 new computers, 10 printers and 5 scanners.
The Multimedia room is free to all students and staff of the Myongji College , there is also free access to Internet Explorer, and students have access to on-line courses.
There is a small movie screening room in the multimedia room with many couches for 30 people comfortably. Everyday you can see four new movies.

Myongji College library

Myongji College library has electronic library, reading room, and a lounge.Electronic library is a various computer and it will be able to search information.
The library opens at 7 a.m. and it closes at 11 p.m.If you have a student card, you will be able to borrow books, and the library is open 24 hours all day long.
The library is the place which is necessary to the student, so everybody uses the library frequently.

We hope you found important information from our post.

Good luck at Myongji College!!


Brenda said...

Hi, my name is Brenda, and I live in Toronto, Canada. You have a beautiful college! And you are so lucky to have those special rooms. A Job Cafe, wow! That's a great idea. Great job on your blog - writing is a SUPER way to improve your English!

Anonymous said...

I especially love the picture of the library. Someone didn't make it to the coffee house in time, I see.

Piver said...

boby is nuckdown in libraly?


so fun!

boby is give me smile!

Justin.No1 said...
